Follow Up Investigation

The follow up investigation then logically leads on from the investigation plan stage, this is the logical place for this stage to fall as it involves further action being taken depending on the results and findings of the preliminary investigation and what has been planned in the investigation plan stage. This stage is quite important as it gives the police an opportunity to gain more evidence and to carry out further enquiries to gain more information about the crime which has occurred.

In the OJ Simpson case the follow up investigations began when on arriving at OJ Simpson’s house detectives discovered Spots of blood on the door handle of his Ford Bronco and a trail of blood spots leading towards Simpson’s house. They also discovered a right handed glove which appeared to match the left handed glove found by the bodies at Nicole Brown’s house. Therefore follow up investigations began when treating the Ford Bronco and Simpson’s house as possible additional crime scenes.

After speaking to OJ Simpsons Daughter Arnelle Simpson and establishing that OJ Simpson had caught a late night flight to Chicago, The detectives contacted the police photographer and forensic experts and alerted them to the possible additional evidence. After the police photographer and forensic experts had arrived at Simpson’s house, Detectives Vannatter and Lange left to return to the police station to attempt to get a warrant to search inside OJ Simpson’s house and to take any evidence found there. 

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